Dear Expecting Mother,
Hi There! We are excited that you have taken the time to get to know us as you are considering adoption.
Kevin and I met in 2006 through mutual friends but we have known of each other for years. Kevin played basketball with my brother and we attended the same grade school and high school. Kevin and I dated for four years before tying the knot in October 2010. We have been married for 5 wonderful years and each day is better than the last. We have really grown together in our marriage and we support each other in all that we do.
Kevin currently works as a commercial heating and air conditioning technician which he loves. He is very fun loving and easy going. Kevin can make a bad day better with his humor and fun dance moves. Heather loves her job as a hospice nurse and dedicates her time to her patient’s at the most delicate time in their lives. Heather is an optimistic person and can make friends with just about anyone. We also have two fur babies, Mikey and Abbie. Abbie is pretty laid back and loves car rides and walks. Mikey is a bit of a nut and keep us pretty entertained. They are both great with all the neighborhood kids and love to be outside with them and play in the leaves and run in the back yard.
We absolutely love our neighborhood! We live on a quiet cul-de-sac street that has many young families and little kids. When the weather is nice you can almost always find the neighborhood boys playing football and the girls riding their bikes. Our neighborhood surrounds a lake where we like to go boating and kayaking. There also is a little beach area that we can go and enjoy a nice summer day! Our neighborhood also has multiple parks to play at and ponds to fish in!
We also both have large extended families. My dad is the oldest of 7 children and I have more than 20 first cousins that I have remained very close with. At the holidays it is hard for us all to fit in the same house. Before our first Christmas together Kevin asked my brother for advice. Nick responded, “Find a seat and don’t get up”! My family is fun loving and everyone is always laughing. My immediate family includes my parents, my older brother Nick, his wife Chelsey, and my little brother Jack. This would be the first grandchild for my family and my parents already have their nicknames picked out: Pawpaw and Gigi.
Kevin grew up with his mom and his brother Kris. He has remained very close to the both of them and to Kris’ wife Julie. Kris and Julie have three kids who we adore, Noah, Mason, and Riley. Noah and Mason are nine and they love to wrestle and climb all over Kevin. Riley is four and is our little princess in the family. She loves to “tell secrets” and play with makeup and dolls.
We get together often with both of our families and play games and grill out!
About a year after we got married we decided to start our family. After battling with infertility for 3 years we found out we were expecting our first child. Unfortunately, at our 20 week ultrasound the doctor told us that “something wasn’t right”. Our daughter was diagnosed with polymicrogyria, a rare neurological malformation, and would not survive after birth. We took advantage of the time that we got with her and for the rest of our pregnancy we took her to the zoo, the beach, and fishing! On July 9th, 2014 we delivered our beautiful little girl Ellie Rae. She was with us for 39 beautiful minutes before she became an angel. She was born into this world knowing nothing but love and with that we have found peace. We were eager to try again after having Ellie but unfortunately have had multiple miscarriages. Our last miscarriage was at 16 weeks and we delivered a little boy we named Eli Thomas. Kevin and I have always wanted lots of children. We talked about adoption when we began dating and thought that it would be such a beautiful life changing experience. We believe that our journey to parenthood has led us right where we are supposed to be. We look forward to bringing home our child and giving our child all that we have to offer and to embrace all that our child will have to offer.
“Thank you” is too small of words to express the way we feel that you took the time to get to know us. Grateful might be more appropriate. We are grateful for you and we are grateful that you took the time to get to know us. We are grateful for the possibility to become parents. We think about you often and we admire your strength and courage during this process. Our hope for you is that you find peace and comfort during your journey.
Heather & Kevin
To learn more about Heather and Kevin, please click here to read their profile book.
Note: Heather and Kevin are currently matched through another adoption resource, and we are very excited for them!